RoundsLogging Summary

This report presents a summary of findings for a defined inspection route by alarm severity. Route points also display inspection comments and linked documents.

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ICSR – Integrated Condition Status

The Integrated Condition Status Report (ICSR) is a dashboard that displays an integrated list of equipment problems ranked by severity, criticality, area, age, and type.

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Equipment History Report

This report provides history for a specific piece of tagged equipment, showing information on equipment properties, lifecycle states (purchase, in stores, service installation locations, multiple repairs, & scrap), and lifetime repair costs.

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Equipment History Analysis

This report provides five sub-reports on number of repairs, repair costs, and MTBF for all locations and individual pieces of equipment in the database.

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Work Planners Report

This report shows locations with installed or spares equipment due* for inspection or rotation out of its current location by a specified date.

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Task Items Not Measured in Date Range

This report shows all Asset Components associated with a Condition Assessment Task that have not been measured in a given date range.

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Planned Removal Status Listing

This report shows asset components with a Planned Removal Date that have been entered through the Asset Component location in the tree, a condition entry in the Integrated Condition Status Report, or a component listed in the Risk Factor Rating Report

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Locations Not Measured

This report lists Component locations that have not had a condition assessment since a specified date.

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Location History

This report provides a historical listing of tagged equipment installed at a component location, including access to design properties for each tagged equipment.

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Last Two Condition Assessments

This report shows the last two Condition Assessments for each component location.

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Items Near End of Life Limit

This report lists asset components beyond a designated percentage of life, based on budgeted hours and current hours for a location.

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Root Cause Corrective Action Status Report

This report lists all open Corrective Actions for Root Cause cases on asset components within the logged-in user’s User Region.

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Condition Risk Factor Rating

This report ranks locations and condition entry cases by reliability risk, based on the frequency and severity of current and historical condition entry information.

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Condition Review Report

This report returns condition entry details for a Unit, Function, or Asset location, filtered by criteria such as data range, checkoff/closure status, monitoring technology, and severity.

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Condition Case Details

This report provides details for all open and closed Condition Entries on an asset component, including access to Linked Documents, and Lifespan Charts.

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Condition Entry Case Cost Tracking

This report lists condition cases filtered by date range and monitoring technologies, and allows entry of actual costs when condition-based maintenance prevented failure in service vs projected failure in service costs – for building a cost avoidance/benefit case.

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Condition Entry Analysis

This report breaks out the number and locations for faults reported in condition entries, and trends for condition entries opened and closed in time period.

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Condition Assessment Task Metrics

This report shows Route Adherence for Condition Assessment Tasks in a time period along with the number of locations assessed as “No Problems Found, Condition Entry Created” and “Not Measured” on each task.

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Condition Assessment Severity Over Time

This report indicates the most severe assessment state for a location by each monitoring technology being used, based on the last Condition Task Assessment for each technology within the period.

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Condition Assessment History

This report shows all Condition Assessments for a given Asset Component.

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Asset Fitness Summary

This report provides a status of ‘fit for service’, ‘has a defect’, or ‘is at risk due to non-measurement’ for assets with components on scheduled Condition Assessment Tasks or Process Parameter Routes.

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Process Parameters Currently Out of Bounds

Pinpoint potential problems found across multiple RoundsLogging inspection routes, helping make maintenance decision making more efficient compared to reviewing individual route report data.

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Route Adherence Report

By time period, review inspection adherence information for routes completed, points inspected, and inspection results.

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Asset Health Report

This report provides a ‘green, yellow, or red’ manager’s level view of locations, based on the last date assessed by one or more of the monitoring technologies in Condition Assessment Tasks.

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Closed Condition Entries

This report lists all Condition Entries closed during the selected period.

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